The wonderful use of the pull ring cap of the can in life

  If the pull ring of the can is broken, you should find a screwdriver, clean the opening of the screwdriver, align the screwdriver with the edge of the pull ring opening, and chisel it with a little force. The pull ring opening will be easy to open. The pull ring of the can has an outer pull ring and an inner pull ring. If the opening action of lifting the pull ring outward is segmented, pull up the pull ring first, and the bottle cap can not be opened until the pull ring is pulled up. There is also a lever here, but this lever is used to help lift the pull ring and lift the corner of the bottle cap by the way.

  If the pull ring of the can is broken, you can open it with a spoon or knife. Insert the end of the spoon or small handle along the sealing seam at the broken pull ring and lift the seal. However, experienced people should note that occasionally the pull ring will be pulled, but the riveting position will be broken and loose, resulting in the bottle cap can not be opened. Therefore, compared with embedded, the external lifting “user experience” is worse. In contrast, the embedded force arm is longer than the external lifting force arm, which is relatively labor-saving under the advantage of completing the action synchronously, which is also one of the advantages of the embedded system to expand its share.

  You can also fold the paper at will until one corner is relatively hard. Next, find the joint of the can, put a corner of the paper in this position and start friction. The purpose of friction with the paper corner is mainly to generate heat. After the carbonated beverage mouth is rubbed, the air pressure inside will rise, so the carbon dioxide inside will slowly overflow in the form of partial vaporization, and the upper cover will be opened under pressure. Another reason is that most cans, especially beverage cans, are made of aluminum, which is characterized by low hardness. Therefore, when rubbing, it is easy to reduce the hardness due to heating, so it is easier to implement the method.


Post time: May-13-2022